
How do credit scoring agencies in the UK determine if I have changed my address, and how do they verify whether the same individual is residing at the new address?


It's Karter here from Pave - thanks for reaching out with these questions.
Credit Reference Agencies determine your current address based on reporting from lenders. You do not need to personally inform them when you update your address information on your credit accounts (for example, on Pave, or a UK bank account), as they will be informed by the creditors.
They may verify your address by cross-checking with the electoral roll, as well as the Postcode Address File, which Royal Mail uses to organise the delivery of the post.
You can read more about how your address is verified by the Credit Reference Agencies here: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/borrowing-money/how-lenders-decide-whether-to-give-you-credit/
I hope this was helpful, though do feel free to ask any other questions.
Kind regards,

"我是来自Pave的Karter - 感谢您通过这些问题与我联系。


If I update my address with certain banks but not with others, what would happen to the address section of my credit report? Will it split into two separate credit profiles?

I couldn't answer this for certain, so I would recommend reaching out to, for example, TransUnion to query this further. For your convenience here is the link to reach out to them: https://www.transunion.co.uk/consumer/consumer-enquiry-form
What I can say is that your credit file will not split into 2 profiles. Instead, one address (most likely the more prominent one across your credit mix) will be used on your credit file. I wouldn't suggest doing this as it may cause issues when applying for credit which requires identification checks.
I'm happy to answer any other questions so don't hesitate to get back in touch.


Frequent address changes may have a negative impact on my credit record. How many credit points will be deducted for changing my address once?


When it comes to changing your address on your credit file, only the Credit Reference Agencies can be sure exactly how this impacts your credit score, as they're the ones who decide what your score is. Changing your address multiple times can also impact how lenders view your file, though only the lenders themselves would know exactly how.
I can see that when you originally spoke to us, you requested your current address be changed to 10 XXXXXXXX, though you then cancelled this request and instead asked your current address to be updated to 30 XXXXXXXX Road. It's important that we're reporting your correct current address to the Credit Reference Agencies as otherwise this can impact your file, along with our ability to access your score in the Pave app which you also discussed with us before.
Could you please let me know what your correct, full current address is so we can make sure this is right on your Pave account (this will be the address which appears on your bank account/statements)?
Kind regards,

我看到当你最初与我们联系时,你要求将你的当前地址更改为10 XXXXXXXX,然后你取消了这个请求,改为要求将当前地址更新为30 XXXXXXXX Road。确保我们向信用参考机构报告你的正确当前地址很重要,否则这可能会影响你的档案,以及我们在Pave应用中访问你的评分的能力,这也是你之前与我们讨论过的。

Rinku Matta, [2024/2/27 10:54]
If I change my address twice within a month, will the first address change be reported to CRA? Or only the most recent one will be reported?


I'm glad you reached out with your question.
To clarify, what we report to credit reference agencies depends on the information we have on your account at the time. We report all Pave account updates on the 19th of each month, so the timing of any changes you make is important.
For instance, if you update your address on the 16th of the month, that new address will be included in the report on the 19th. However, if the change is made on the 21st of the month, it won't be included until the following month's report on the 19th.
I hope this makes sense, however, let me know if you have any more questions


If I make a change on the 21st at the end of the month, and then make another change on the 23rd at the end of the month, will the address from the 21st be reported?

What events will trigger a bank to report to a credit reporting agency, affecting credit scores, regardless of being positive or negative?


Thanks for reaching out with your questions.
To clarify, the address active on your Pave profile at the time of our monthly reporting, which occurs on the 19th of each month, will be the one we use to report your account positively to credit reference agencies.
So, in the scenario you described, if you make a change on the 21st and then another change on the 23rd, the address from the 23rd would be reported the following month on the 19th.
Could you please share if you anticipate making multiple address changes within a short timeframe? Understanding your intentions can help us provide the most accurate guidance.
Regarding your second question, what events trigger a bank to report to credit reference agencies can vary. Generally, banks report activities involving credit, such as overdrafts, loans, mortgages, and credit card usage. However, for specific details, it's best to reach out directly to your bank for clarification.
I hope this makes sense! If you have any further questions feel free to let me know.
Kind regards,

需要澄清的是,我们在每月 19 日进行月度报告时,您的 Pave 个人资料中的活跃地址将是我们用来向信用咨询机构积极报告您的账户的地址。
因此,在您描述的场景中,如果您在 21 日进行更改,然后在 23 日再次进行更改,则 23 日的地址将在下个月的 19 日报告。
如果您预计在短时间内进行多次地址更改,您能否分享一下? 了解您的意图可以帮助我们提供最准确的指导。

关于你的第二个问题,触发银行向信用调查机构报告的事件可能有所不同。 一般来说,银行会报告涉及信贷的活动,例如透支、贷款、抵押贷款和信用卡使用。 不过,对于具体细节,最好直接联系您的银行进行澄清。
我希望这是有道理的! 如果您还有任何其他问题,请随时告诉我。

Is the bank obtaining a credit score from a CRA to open an account without KYC considered a hard pull or a soft pull?
The difference between soft pull and hard pull is what?

  1. 银行在没有进行KYC(了解你的客户)的情况下,从信用评级机构获取信用评分以开设账户,这被视为hard pull还是soft pull?
  2. soft pull和hard pull之间的区别是什么?


Pave: Great question!
When a bank checks your credit report to open an account without conducting a full KYC process, it typically results in what's known as a soft pull or soft check.
However, it's important to note that this may vary depending on the bank and other factors, so the best thing to do is to ask them directly. They also usually specify whether it's a hard or soft check.
Now, let's break down the difference between a soft pull and a hard pull:
Soft Pull (Soft Check): This usually happens when a company or lender checks your credit report for informational purposes, such as pre-approved offers, background checks, etc. Soft pulls do not impact your credit score and are not visible to other creditors or lenders.
Hard Pull (Hard Check): A hard pull happens when you apply for credit, such as a loan, credit card, or mortgage. It involves a thorough review of your credit report and typically occurs when a creditor needs to assess your creditworthiness for a new credit account.
Hard pulls can potentially harm your credit score, especially if there are lot’s in a short space of time. These can remain on your credit report for up to two years.
In summary, while we can’t say for certain which type of check a bank will do, the best thing to do if you’re unsure is to contact them directly.
I hope this explanation clarifies things for you! Let me know if you have any more questions.
Kind regards,

Pave: 很好的问题!

当银行在没有进行完整的KYC流程的情况下检查你的信用报告以开设账户时,通常会导致所谓的 soft pull 或 soft check。
然而,需要注意的是,这可能会根据银行和其他因素而有所不同,所以最好的做法是直接询问他们。他们通常也会指定是 hard pull 还是 soft pull。

现在,让我们来解释一下 soft pull 和 hard pull 的区别:
Soft Pull (Soft Check):这通常发生在公司或贷款机构出于信息目的检查你的信用报告的情况下,例如预批准的优惠,背景检查等。Soft pulls 不会影响你的信用评分,并且对其他债权人或贷款机构不可见。
Hard Pull (Hard Check):当你申请信贷,如贷款,信用卡或抵押贷款时,会发生 hard pull。它涉及对你的信用报告的彻底审查,并且通常发生在债权人需要评估你的信用适用性以开设新的信用账户的情况下。
Hard pulls 可能会损害你的信用评分,特别是如果在短时间内有很多的话。这些可以在你的信用报告上保留长达两年。
祝好, Nikita

Having more borrowing and repayment records, such as using multiple credit cards at the same time, can accelerate the improvement of credit scores?


It's Karter from Pave taking over from my colleague Nikita. Thanks for getting back to us with this question 🙂
Having more credit cards can have a positive impact on your credit score but it's vitally important that they are used responsibly. Irresponsible usage of credit cards, such as utilisation of more than 25% or missing repayment dates can have a detrimental impact on your credit score which is what Pave always wants to avoid. I would also advise not to apply for several credit cards at the same time as this could harm your score.
I would like to signpost you to this article from our credit library on how credit utilisation works, and how best to utilise it for score growth: https://support.paveapp.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4404339087505-Utilisation-rates-everything-you-need-to-know
I hope this has answered your question. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.
Kind regards,

卡特来自 Pave,接替我的同事尼基塔。感谢您对这个问题的回复 🙂

Utilisation rates - everything you need to know
Not yet followed by anyone
The Basics
What is a utilisation rate?
Your utilisation rate is the amount of available credit you’re using, expressed as a percentage.
You can work out a utilisation rate by taking the balance, dividing it by the limit, and then multiplying by 100. Eg a £100 balance on a card ÷ the £500 limit * by 100 = 20%
There are 3 kinds of utilisation rate - all of which are taken into account by Credit Bureaus.
Let's break each of them down with an example:
Individual: This is the utilisation rate on any one of your credit accounts.
For example, if you have a credit card with a limit of £1000, and your balance is £250, then your individual utilisation rate would be 25% for this card.
Total: This is the utilisation rate across all of your credit accounts.
For example, if you have 2 credit cards, one with a limit of £1000 and a balance of £250, and another with a limit of £2000 and a balance of £400, your total utilisation would be a 21.6% utilisation rate across all of your credit accounts.
To work this out, simply add the balances together (in this example £250 + £400 = £600), then divide this by the total credit limit (£3000), and multiply by 100.
Maximum: This is the individual utilisation rate that is highest across all of your credit accounts.
For example, if you have 3 credit cards, one with a utilisation of 20%, another with a utilisation of 34% and the other with a utilisation of 11%, then your maximum utilisation would be 34%.
Why is my utilisation rate so important?
It's one of the biggest influences on your credit score. Depending on the credit bureau, it can make up anywhere between 20 and 30%.
Utilisation tends to relate to the amount of interest that you pay on the same account. A higher balance can both accrue more interest, and make it more challenging to repay in one go - increasing the time over which you are charged.
Reducing your utilisation rate can save you money on interest now and as your credit score increases, save you even more money in the future as you are able to access credit at lower interest rates.
How can I reduce my utilisation rate?
It's important to make sure you don't fall into the trap of using too much of the credit that is available to you.
The more of your available credit you spend, the more reliant on these funds you appear to be to Credit Bureaus - this often leads to them scoring you as higher risk, thus reducing your credit score. The higher your utilisation rate, the lower your credit score is likely to be, and vice versa.
Getting your utilisation low enough that it doesn't count against you means keeping it below 25% if you can. If you can do that on each of your credit lines, then your individual, total and maximum utilisation rates will be in the best position to positively impact you.
Steps I can take
Make a note of these points below, and each month when you're paid, work out what you need to pay, and when.
The most important point of all is to remember that keeping your utilisation rate on each of your credit lines below 25% is optimal.
Although these 3 steps seem really simple, doing them consistently each month will put you in the best position to increase your credit score:
1. Work out your current utilisation rate
Action: The first step is to know your balance and utilisation rate for each of your credit accounts.
2. Know your dates
Action: Next, give your card issuer(s) a call and ask them the date they report you to the Credit Bureaus. Put a reminder in your calendar to make your payment at least 2 working days before this date.
3. Make a change to your spending
Action: Consider if purchases need to be made this month. Can they be split across multiple paycheques so you don't need to use credit? If a purchase must be made, can some or all of it be paid for by debit card and/or cash?
Have a question? Our team of specialists are available to help you out 7 days a week on WhatsApp and email.

利用率 - 你需要了解的一切
您可以通过取余额,除以信用额度,然后乘100来计算利用率。例如,卡上的100英镑余额 ÷ 500英镑限额 * 100 = 20%
有三种利用率 - 所有这些都由信用局考虑。
要计算这个,只需将余额相加(在这个例子中为250英镑 + 400英镑 = 600英镑),然后除以总信用额度(3000英镑),再乘100。
利用率往往与您在同一账户上支付的利息金额有关。较高的余额既可能累积更多的利息,也可能使一次性还清变得更具挑战性 - 延长您被收费的时间。
您使用的可用信用越多,您对信用局看起来就越依赖这些资金 - 这通常会导致他们评定您为更高风险,从而降低您的信用评分。您的利用率越高,您的信用评分可能就越低,反之亦然。
1. 计算您当前的利用率
2. 知道您的日期
3. 改变您的消费方式

If the utilization rate is 0%, will credit card companies or banks report to cra?
Can a 0% utilization rate help improve my credit score?

Pave: Thanks for getting back to me . Creditors report your utilisation regardless of the percentile used. This means they will report 0% utilisation.
With utilisation making up around 30% of your credit score, a 0% utilisation should be beneficial to your credit score. Lenders like to see a utilisation in the desired range of 0-25% as it suggests that you aren't reliant on credit.
Let me know if you have any other questions 🙂
Kind regards,

如果有其他问题,请告诉我 🙂

If I only have a current or savings account at the bank, will the bank continue to report my credit information to the credit reporting agencies?
Pave: Hi again ,
Even with no credit facility, most banks usually report your bank account information to the Credit Reference Agency. To understand exactly what is reported, I would recommend contacting your bank directly as they will be best positioned to help.
Happy to answer any other questions.
Kind regards,
Pave: 你好,

Report once or repeatedly? How often?
Pave: Thanks for asking this question. Each creditor has its own individual reporting methods, so I would advise you to contact them directly to gain an exact understanding of their reporting methods.
Kind regards,
Pave: 感谢你提出这个问题。每个债权人都有自己独特的报告方法,所以我建议你直接联系他们,以确切了解他们的报告频率。

Is the report to CRA on March 19th for the period of February 19th to March 19th, or is it for the period of February 1st to February 29th?

It's Karter here taking over from my colleague Nikita, thanks for getting back to us with this question. I'm happy to answer.
The reports we send on the 19th of each month cover the whole previous month. So, the report we will send on March 19th will cover the period of February 1st to February 29th.
We have lots of information on how our credit building works here: https://www.paveapp.com/credit-library
Let me know if there's anything else I can help with 🙂
Kind regards,

如果还有其他我可以帮助的,请告诉我 🙂