明智的帐户验证 ✅:简易指南 (2024)
Wise Account Verification ✅: Easy Guide (2024)

为什么验证如此重要? 在安全问题至关重要的过程中,进行验证是必不可少的。你可能需要在医疗机构、政府实体和金融机构等各种场所进行验证。说到金融机构,当你开设银行账户时,你通常需要向银行提供身份证明。Wise(一家拥有全球超过1600万客户的公司)也不例外,但酷的是,你可以在Wise在线验证你的身份,并放心,你提供给我们的所有数据、财务详细信息或文件都会被安全地加密并保持私密,这是根据我们的隐私政策。验证在打击洗钱和保护每个人的资金中起着至关重要的作用。尽管我们努力使验证过程尽可能简单,但我们仍然会收到一些常见问题。在这个视频中,我将回答最常见的问题,我叫Ally,让我们直接开始吧。

问题一:我们何时以及如何要求你验证身份? 你需要验证身份的规定因国家而异,所以并非所有客户的流程都是相同的。验证程序取决于几个因素,其中一个因素是你发送的货币,这将决定你的交易属于哪种规定,以及你需要上传哪种文件(如果你还未验证)。其次,你发送的金额,如果金额较大,我们可能需要看到显示收入来源的额外文件。第三,你进行了多少次转账,虽然我们可能只在一开始验证你的身份,但我们可能稍后需要验证你的地址。请放心,我们的团队将不遗余力地尽快验证你的文件,以便你的资金再次流动。

问题二:我们接受哪些类型的文件? 另一个常见问题是:我们接受哪些类型的文件?主要的两种验证文件类型是护照(我们只需要照片页)和国家身份证(美国军人身份证除外)。在某些地区,驾驶执照也可以,但有例外。你可以点击这里或者描述中的链接了解更多信息。在这个页面上,你还可以获取更多关于iGees验证的信息。如果你还不确定你的文件是否可行,可以在下面的评论区提问,我们很乐意澄清。

问题三:为什么我的文件没有被接受? 当你上传文件时,最常见的错误是什么?我们时不时会收到这样的问题:为什么我的文件没有被接受?在上传文件之前,这里有一个检查清单供你参考:确认你正在上传我们接受的文件类型之一,你可以在验证过程中查看支持的完整列表。再次检查你的文件是否仍然有效。确保文件中的所有数据与你在Wise个人资料上输入的信息匹配,包括你的姓名和出生日期。确保照片不模糊,没有信息被遮盖,文件完全可见。如果有信息在两面,请确保你为我们上传了两面。确保你正在上传的是验证阶段列出的支持格式之一。如果我们在你设置转账时要求验证你,但你在五个工作日内看不到任何进展,请确保你首先支付了转账费用。我们只能在你支付了交易费用并收到你的钱后才能验证你。问题四是所有的。

Why verification is so important?
getting verified is essential in processes where security matters in various ways you might have to get verified in health institutions government entities and financial institutions too speaking of financial institutions when opening a bank account you typically need to provide ID to the bank wise with over 16 million customers around the world is no different but the cool thing is that with wise you verify your identity online and rest assured all data Financial details or documents you give usa restored securely encrypted and kept private as per our privacy policy verification plays a crucial role in combating money laundering and keeping everyone's money

Most common questions answered
sate although we strive to make the veri tication process as easy as possible we still get some common questions in this video lm answering the most frequent ones my name i sAlly lets Jump Right
In question one when and how will we ask

1. When and how will we ask you to verify your identity?
you to verify your identity regulations
vary from country to Country so the
process isn't the same for all customers
given that the verification procedure
depends on a few factors one factor is
the currency you send this will
determine under which regulations your
transaction Falls and which document you
will need to upload if you're not
verified yet second the amount you send
if the amount is large we might need to
see additional documents that show the
source of income and third how many
transfers you've made while we might only verify your identity at first we might need to verify your address later on rest assured our team will work tirelessly to verify your documents as soon as possible to get your money moving again speaking of documents

2. What types of documents do we accept?
another common question is is two what types of documents do we accept the main two types of verification documents are passport we only need the photo page and national ID cards with the exception of US military IDs in some regions driver's license work but there are exceptions you can learn more by tapping the link here or the one in the description on this page you can also get more information about verification for igees if you're still on sure if you document will work or not drop your question in the comments below we'll be happy to clarify next let's cover the

3. Why wasn't my document accepted?
most common mistakes when uploading your documents since another question we get from time to time is three why wasnt my document accepted here's a checklist for you before uploading your documents confirm that you're uploading one of the
documenttypes we accept to see a full
list of supported ones during your
verification double check if your
document is still valid make sure all
the data in the document matches the
information you entered on the wise
pro tile including your name and date of
birth make sure the photo is not blurred
no information is covered and the
document is fully visible if there is
information on both sides please make
sure you upload both for us make sure
youre uploading in one of the supported formats listed in the verification stage if we asked to verify you when you set up your transfer but you dont see any progress within five working days make sure you paid for the transfer first we can only verify you once you pay for your transaction and we receive your money question four is all the

4 Is all the information protected?
information protected the answer is straightforward yes absolutely as I mentioned before all data financial details and documents you uploaded are securely stored encrypted and maintained in strict privacy finally question five

5. How long does verification take?
is how long does verification take if we ask to verify you during the transfer setup we will start reviewing your documents once we get your money for personal accounts we aim to complete this within two to three working days once we finish verifying you we'll automatically send out your transfer and notify you by email here you have it your ultimate guide to getting verified with wise if you need to send large.
transfers tap on this video for a step-by-step guidance and verification
information and let us know in the
comments if there are any questions left
until next

when how 我们是否会要求你验证你的身份
1.其中一个因素是,你发送的货币(source currency),这将决定你的交易根据哪些法规进行。如果你尚未验证,你需要上传哪些文件;



如何在线转账大额资金💰:Wise 的分步指南
How To Transfer Big Money Amounts Online 💰: Step-By-Step Guide with Wise

支付涉及到货币兑换,就变得更加复杂。在 Wise,我们做到了更轻松。进入市场超过 12 年,我们因增强您的功能而赢得了声誉资金管理机会。这些功能之一是汇款。我们因提供中间市场汇率,隐性费用为零,费用速明,速度快,和用户友好的体验。今天我们就来探讨一下大额转账的流程。

意思是你的银行允许你一次性汇款多少或者他们是否要求你去亲自向 Wise 发起转账。其次, 请记住, 在您可以开始发送转账,您的帐户需要经过全面验证。这可能需要两到三个工作日。这是受监管金融机构的标准流程,可确保您的金钱的安全。否则可能会增加另一层,导致传输时间更长比必要的。您可以通过描述中的链接找到有关验证的更多信息。

我们的主页和应用程序中都有非常方便的计算器。wise. com 页面的链接在这里也在描述中。在这里,您可以选择要发送的货币以及收件人的货币,输入您要发送的金额,或者您可以输入收件人的确切金额会得到。我们将向您展示费用并提供汇率细目。与怀斯一起,您始终可以获得中间市场汇率,隐藏费用为零。我们还将向您展示与通过银行汇款相比, 通过 Wise 可以节省多少费用
您可以使用计算器来了解限制。例如,您可以输入 100 万英镑兑换欧元, 可以通过 Wise 发送。
您可以像往常一样看到所有信息,但如果你想汇 400 万欧元兑换为美元,您需要先充值您的欧元余额,然后将其转换为美元余额,并将款项发送至收款人的美元银行账户。通过您的 Wise 账户,:您可以持有
40 多种货币的资金,并在您需要时以中间市场汇率在它们之间进行兑换。

转账 2800 万英镑、美元或欧元等。在这种情况下,我们建议



需要注意的是,我们不接受 PDF ,JPEG 或 PNG以外的格式。确保上传完整的文档,没有丢失任何页面或部分。

让我们在评论中知道。请记住, Wise 不仅仅是汇款,请观看此视频, 了解有关 Wise 功能的所有信息, 请继续关注更多内容。直到下一次!

We made it easier!
Have you ever needed to send a large amount of money, like hundreds of thousands of dollars
euros, pounds, or even millions? If you found it too complicated, I completely understand.
Over the years, banks have made us believe that sending money is complex, and when the
payment involves currency conversion, it becomes even more intricate. Here at Wise, weve made it
easier. With over 12 years in the market, we've earned a reputation for features that enhance your
money management opportunities. One of these features is money transfers. We're known for
offering mid-market exchange rates with zero hidden charges transparent fees, high speeds, and a user-friendly experience. Today, we're going to explore the process of making a large transfer.
Sending money this way is quite similar to a regular transaction, but there are some nuances to keep in mind. I'm Dante from Wise. Let's dive right in.
In a few housekeeping points, firstly, it's essential to understand your banking limits,

Getting things sorted
meaning how much your bank will allow you to send in one go or if they require you to go
in person to initiate the transfer to Wise. Secondly, keep in mind that before you can
start sending transfers, your account needs to be fully verified.
This can take between two to
three working days. This is a standard process for a regulated financial institution and ensures your
money's safety. Failure to do so can add another layer, leading your transfer to take longer
than necessary. You can find more information on getting verified via the link in the description

Speeds, amounts, fees - all questions answered!
Now, your main questions are probably:How much can l send?
How long does a transfer take? And
how much will the transaction cost? You don't need to search long for the answers because we have a
very handy calculator on our mainpage and in the app. The link tothewise. compage is here and
also in the description. Here, you can choose the currency you want to send from and the recipient's
currency, enter the amount you want to send, or you can insert the exact amount the recipient
will get. Well show you the fees and provide a breakdown of the exchange rate. With Wise,you always get the mid-market exchange rates with zero hidden charges. Well also show you
how much you could potentially save with Wise compared to sending money with banks
or other a iter natives. Speed also matters, sowell show you the estimated time of arrival.
You can play around with the calculator to understand the limits.
For example,you can enter 1 million British pounds to euros, which is possible to send with Wise.
You can see all the information as usual. But if you wanted to send, let's say, 4 million
to US dollars, you'll need to top up your euro balance first, convert it to US dollar balance, and send the money to your recipient's US dollar bank account With your Wise account, you can hold
money in 40+ currencies and convert between them at the mid 一 market exchange rate whenever you need.
To add money to your balance, choose the currency you want t。
top up, tap Add, and follow the steps.
Back to the calculator. Let's say you want to buy the most expensive car in the world and need to

Buying the most expensive car in the world
transfer 28 million British pounds, US dollars, or, for example, euros. In this case, we suggest
you contact us. Our team is here to assist you with such requests. To learn more about limits,please visit our help center and type "guide to transfers" and the currency of your choice.
Registration and verification
Registration and verification: Now let's get to setting up the transfer. If you're not registered
yet, tap the link here or in the description tocomplete the quick sign-up process. If you're on Sending money steps
your mobile device, consider using the app for convenience.
Once you're in the app, click on the send button, enter the amount you want to transfer or the amount you want your
recipient to get, enter the recipient details or choose the recipient you added before, review the transfer details, and pick the payment method to complete your transfer.

Business account verification
As this is a large transfer, we may need to understand the source of your funds or how the money accumulated. This information we need
can vary slightly depending on whether it's a business or personal account.
Business account verification: If you're sending from your business account, the
documents you provide should have your business name, issue dates, signatures if applicable.
and your business income. For example, if your business's main source of wealth is revenue
it's common to request four to five months of external bank statements to establish
the source of wealth. Ensure you upload the mostrecent statements showing all
activity with nothing redacted, including the bank account number, statement dates
bank logos, business account name, and so on.
Pro tip: If there are any unusually large deposits. include supporting documentation such as invoices, contracts, or service agreements.
Let's say that the main source of wealth is coming from investments. In that case, a share sales certificate, subscription agreement, equity agreement, or even an asset sales agreement may do the trick. Just be sure
that they include the business's name, account number, dates, and amounts.
Or what if the source of wealth is a loan? In this situation, a simple loan
agreement would suffice. Just be sure that the business's name, amounts, and dates are shown.
Keep in mind that these are not all the examples of possitble source of
wealth options. More examples and information can be found here.

Personal account verification
When sending documents on a personal account ain difference will be that instead of ensuring that the ness's name is listed
you'll want to ensure that your name and your information are visible
In terms of personal accounts, lets say, for example, you're purchasing a home. In
this scenario, a sales agreement and/or a letter from a solicitor, auditor, or regulated accountant
would suffice. Just be sure that the date you received the money the amount you received
signatures of the parties involved, and the address of the property are show
Another common document is a payslip, if you accumulated your money through salary. In
his situation, you want to make sure that the documents show your monthly or annual salary
your employers name, your employer's address, and the dates you receive the salary payments Make sure you have at least three months of bank account statements showing these deposits.
It's important to note that we dont accept formats beside PDF JPEG, or PNG. Make sure you upload the full document with no pages or sections missing

Fun part
Now we've come to the fun part where we take all the information we've learned and apply it. If you have any questions left
let us know in the comments. And remember, Wiseis much more than just money transfers
so check out this video all about Wise features. Stay tuned for more. Until next time!

要买全世界最贵的汽车,2800万英镑、美元或者欧元等(超大额汇款)。在这种情况下,我们建议你联系wise客服。wise的团队随时为你提供此类请求的协助。要了解有关限制的更多信息,请访问wise的帮助中心并输入"转账指南"和你选择的货币eg."Guide to EUR transfers"。
