


英国有sort+account number ,欧洲有iban提供

对于没有sort+account number和iban,要提现的话,只能通过卡片在ATM取现了。在atm取现每月可以免费提现200eur,超过的话收2%手续费。



Is the bank obtaining a credit score from a CRA to open an account without KYC considered a hard pull or a soft pull?
The difference between soft pull and hard pull is what?

  1. 银行在没有进行KYC(了解你的客户)的情况下,从信用评级机构获取信用评分以开设账户,这被视为hard pull还是soft pull?
  2. soft pull和hard pull之间的区别是什么?

Pave: Great question!

When a bank checks your credit report to open an account without conducting a full KYC process, it typically results in what's known as a soft pull or soft check.

However, it's important to note that this may vary depending on the bank and other factors, so the best thing to do is to ask them directly. They also usually specify whether it's a hard or soft check.

Now, let's break down the difference between a soft pull and a hard pull:

Soft Pull (Soft Check): This usually happens when a company or lender checks your credit report for informational purposes, such as pre-approved offers, background checks, etc. Soft pulls do not impact your credit score and are not visible to other creditors or lenders.

Hard Pull (Hard Check): A hard pull happens when you apply for credit, such as a loan, credit card, or mortgage. It involves a thorough review of your credit report and typically occurs when a creditor needs to assess your creditworthiness for a new credit account.

Hard pulls can potentially harm your credit score, especially if there are lot’s in a short space of time. These can remain on your credit report for up to two years.

In summary, while we can’t say for certain which type of check a bank will do, the best thing to do if you’re unsure is to contact them directly.

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you! Let me know if you have any more questions.

Kind regards,

Pave: 很好的问题!
当银行在没有进行完整的KYC流程的情况下检查你的信用报告以开设账户时,通常会导致所谓的 soft pull 或 soft check。
然而,需要注意的是,这可能会根据银行和其他因素而有所不同,所以最好的做法是直接询问他们。他们通常也会指定是 hard pull 还是 soft pull。

现在,让我们来解释一下 soft pull 和 hard pull 的区别:
Soft Pull (Soft Check):这通常发生在公司或贷款机构出于信息目的检查你的信用报告的情况下,例如预批准的优惠,背景检查等。Soft pulls 不会影响你的信用评分,并且对其他债权人或贷款机构不可见。
Hard Pull (Hard Check):当你申请信贷,如贷款,信用卡或抵押贷款时,会发生 hard pull。它涉及对你的信用报告的彻底审查,并且通常发生在债权人需要评估你的信用适用性以开设新的信用账户的情况下。
Hard pulls 可能会损害你的信用评分,特别是如果在短时间内有很多的话。这些可以在你的信用报告上保留长达两年。
祝好, Nikita