

最起码要开通overdraft或者flex,即使是0% utilisation,也会被每月向CRA报告。
即使只开current account,monzo也会持续每月向CRA报告,我们正在报告他们"没有透支,且账户状况良好,因为你从未进入过未经安排的透支状态。"(但这个报告,对信用分的增长没有任何帮助,因为不涉及信用消费,何来影响信用分。monzo只负责报告,计算分数是cra负责的。)





  • 你的透支余额和启用的透支限额(如果有)。
  • 你拥有的产品类型(活期账户)以及你开设该账户的日期(以及如果你关闭了账户)。《一次性报告》
  • 你是否及时支付透支款项。《循环报告》
  • 如果你超过透支限额,你已经超过限额多长时间。《循环报告》
  • 你的账户是否处于违约状态(如果我们要求你偿还某些款项,而你很长时间未偿还,就可能发生这种情况)。《循环报告》
  • 是否有付款安排(如果你支付透支有困难,我们可以帮助你制定还款计划)。 《循环报告》

  • 你剩余的贷款余额、贷款金额和最初的月还款额。《循环报告》
  • 你拥有的产品类型(个人贷款)以及你是否已偿还。《循环报告》
  • 如果你拖欠贷款支付,以及你拖欠了多少期付款。《循环报告》
  • 是否有付款安排(如果你支付贷款有困难,我们可以帮助你制定还款计划)。《循环报告》

  • 如果你的活期账户余额为正数,他们看不到你的账户余额。
  • 你在账户上进行的各项交易。
  • 有关你储蓄或储蓄罐的任何信息。








  • 用于识别你并将你的Monzo账户与你的信用参考机构档案匹配的一些个人信息。
  • 你的透支余额和启用的透支限额(如果有)。
  • 你拥有的产品类型(活期账户)以及你开设该账户的日期(以及如果你关闭了账户)。《一次性报告》
  • 你是否及时支付透支款项。《循环报告》
  • 如果你超过透支限额,你已经超过限额多长时间。《循环报告》
  • 你的账户是否处于违约状态(如果我们要求你偿还某些款项,而你很长时间未偿还,就可能发生这种情况)。《循环报告》
  • 是否有付款安排(如果你支付透支有困难,我们可以帮助你制定还款计划)。 《循环报告》


  • 用于识别你并将你的Monzo账户与你的信用参考机构档案匹配的一些个人信息。
  • 你剩余的贷款余额、贷款金额和最初的月还款额。《循环报告》
  • 你拥有的产品类型(个人贷款)以及你是否已偿还。《循环报告》
  • 如果你拖欠贷款支付,以及你拖欠了多少期付款。《循环报告》
  • 是否有付款安排(如果你支付贷款有困难,我们可以帮助你制定还款计划)。《循环报告》


  • 用于识别你并将你的联名账户与你的信用参考机构档案匹配的一些个人信息。
  • 你拥有的产品类型(联名活期账户)以及你开设该账户的日期(以及如果你关闭了账户)。
  • 你的账户是否处于违约状态(如果我们要求你偿还某些款项,而你很长时间未偿还,就可能发生这种情况)。
  • 如果我们开始为联名账户提供透支,我们还将报告一些相关信息,如果你获得了透支的话。


  • 如果你的活期账户余额为正数,他们看不到你的账户余额。
  • 你在账户上进行的各项交易。
  • 有关你储蓄或储蓄罐的任何信息。
  • 登录信息或你使用Monzo应用程序的方式的信息。
  • 你在Monzo Chat上对我们说的任何话。


Vanessa from the Borrowing Team taking over here!
I'm really sorry for the delay in getting back to you , we've had an increased demand for support in our department. While we do aim to get back to customers as quickly as possible, unfortunately we aren't a live chat so we aren't always able to reply instantaneously.
Thank you for your patience whilst your query has been looked in to. As you have recently opened your account, Monzo have reported this to the Credit Reference Agencies.This is something all UK Retail Banks would do.
Some personal information, used to identify you and match your Monzo account to your credit reference agency file is what would be reported. The type of product you have (a current account) and the date you opened it (and closed if you've closed your account).
You can read more about credit file reporting here.
To find out more about your credit report you can check with TransUnion directly. If anything looks wrong, please let them know and they'll be able to get that updated. Please note, TransUnion can take up to 6 weeks to send the changes through to us, but if you get back in touch with us after then, we'll review your eligibility.
You can also read more credit scores and building a good credit profile on on our blog here and here If you have any further questions, be sure to let us know.


Aquabella here
Thanks for getting in touch, sorry
for the delay in getting back to you.
Whilst we report to the Credit
Referencing Agencies once a
month, it can take up to 6 weeks for
the changes to reflect on your
credit file.
If a change happened more than 6 weeks and is yet to be reflected on your credit file, please let us know!


Even if I only have a current account and have not opened an overdraft or flex, will you still report to the credit referencing agencies? What information will be reported?

即使我只有活期账户,并且没有开通overdraft or flex,你们还会向信用参考机构报告吗?会报告哪些信息?

Hi , Mafy here Financial Health Team.

Thanks so much for getting back to us, I do apologise for the delay in coming back to you

Sorry for hiding my message. It had some information that wasn't quite right, so I deleted it to avoid confusion

This message is longer than we'd usually send, pease read all the way to the bottom and let us know if you have any questions.

As you mentioned Overdraft and Flex, we provide more information below.

Information reported
Regarding what information will be reported, to calculate your credit score, the credit reference agency will take a number of factors into account, including:
• Your payment history
• How long you've had credit
• The types of credit you have
• Your credit limits and how much of those limits you're using
• How much debt you have

You can also read more about credit scores and building a good credit profile on our blog and here in the app. Let me know if you have any questions about this - I'd be happy to explain.

When you apply to Flex, we'll run an eligibility check to see if we can pre-approve you. If we can't, we'll have only run a soft search, so there'll be no impact to your credit score.

If you decide to go ahead with Flex, once you've read the key information and accepted the credit agreement, we'll let the Credit Reference Agencies know by running a hard search. That will leave a record, and using Flex will affect your credit score like any other credit product.

If used responsibly, Flex can build your credit score in the same way as a credit card. That's because we report Flex to the credit reference agencies each month as what's called "running credit".

In deciding who's eligible for an overdraft and how big it should be,we take into account internal data as well as information from our credit reference agencies. Here's what you need to know about how this can impact your credit score:

Checking your eligibility leaves a 'soft footprint' on your credit report but doesn't impact your score
To see if we can offer you an overdraft, we need to look at your credit history. This is known as a'soft search' and will show up on your credit report as a 'quotation search' and 'administration review'.Lenders can't see this information though, so it won't affect your chances of getting credit.

If you switch on an overdraft, we tell our credit reference agencies which might affect your score
This is known as a 'credit application search' and it creates a 'hard footprint' on your credit file which can affect your credit score.Each credit reference agency has their own way of calculating credit scores, so how this affects your score depends on that particular agency's scoring model.

How you use your overdraft can also affect your credit score
For example, if you're in your overdraft for more than 3 months without putting any money into your account, this can negatively affect your score. Again though, the impact this has depends on how a particular credit reference agency calculates your score.

Credit Referencing Agencies
We report to TransUnion (previously known as CallCredit), Experian and Equifax.

Monzo shows on your TransUnion credit report which you can view by logging into your Credit Karma account. Your Experian credit report which you can view by logging into your Experian account and your Equifax credit report which you can view by logging into your Equifax account.

So you know, each agency has their own scorecards on how they estimate a customer's credit score and certain factors on a credit file might weigh more favourably/ negatively in one credit agency's scorecards over another's.

If you'd like to learn more about credit scores you can check out this blog post here. And this blog post here will tell you how to build your credit score.

If you have any more questions or concerns about this, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.

• 您的付款历史
• 您拥有信用的时间有多长
• 您拥有的信用类型
• 您的信用额度以及您使用了多少信用额度
• 您的债务总额





Monzo在您的TransUnion信用报告上显示,您可以通过登录您的Credit Karma账户查看。您的Experian信用报告可以通过登录您的Experian账户查看,而您的Equifax信用报告可以通过登录您的Equifax账户查看。




I'm sorry about your wait, we've been experiencing higher than anticipated chat volumes, but we really appreciate your patience
Thank you for responding
Yes, as you have an active current account regardless of having no lending with us information would be shared with credit file agencies.
Reading through the chat, I can see that my colleague Vanessa has shared more information about this including links with further information.
Some personal information, used to identify you and match your Monzo account to your credit reference agency file is what would be reported. The type of product you have (a current account) and the date you opened it (and closed if you've closed your account).
You can read more about credit file reporting here.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you


Is it a one-time report at account opening/closing or a monthly report?

I apologise for the delay. We're experiencing a high demand for support at the moment which means it may take us a little longer to get back to you.
Thank you for getting back to us and for your patience with us so far.
In regards to this it is only reported once when the account is opened and which it is closed. You can read more about credit file reporting here.
Also to find out more about your credit report you can check with TransUnion directly. If anything looks wrong, please let them know and they'll be able to get that updated. Please note, TransUnion can take up to 6 weeks to send the changes through to us,but if you get back in touch with us after then, we'll review your eligibility.


I didn't open an overdraft, didn't open flex, didn't borrow a loan, only opened a current account, why would monzo still report to CRA?I saw monzo reported to TU on TotallyMoney.

The first report was on 1st February , and the second report was on 1st March . It seems like Monzo is continuously reporting.

The Monzo customer service previously stated that the current account would only report once when opening and closing the account. However, the reality I have observed is ongoing reporting, even for only the current account. l am curious if this will affect my credit score. How will it impact it? ls it a positive or negative impact? In my situation, what will be reported?

I'm sorry about the delay in getting back to you; we're facing an unprecedented demand for support at the moment, and as such we may take longer to reply than usual, we really appreciate your patience.

We report to TransUnion (previously known as CallCredit),Experian and Equifax.

Monzo shows on your TransUnion credit report which you can view by logging into your Credit Karma
account. Your Experian credit report which you can view by logging into your Experian account and your
Equifax credit report which you can view by logging into your Equifax account.

So you know, each agency has their own scorecards on how they estimate a customer's credit score and certain factors on a credit file might weigh more favourably/ negatively in one credit agency's scorecards over another's.

If you'd like to learn more about credit scores you can check out this blog post here. And this blog
post here will tell you how to build your credit score. Hope you have a great day.

Monzo会显示在你的TransUnion信用报告上,你可以通过登录你的Credit Karma账户来查看。你的Experian信用报告,你可以通过登录你的Experian账户来查看,以及你的Equifax信用报告,你可以通过登录你的Equifax账户来查看。

Hi Rowan here.
Thanks so much for your patience.
We got feedback from our experts saying you do not have an overdraft, as we can see from the screenshot it is showing that your overdraft limit is £0 which is correct as you do not have an overdraft with us so we are reporting that you do not have an overdraft and that the account is on track as you have never entered an unarranged overdraft.

你好,我是Rowan。 非常感谢你的耐心等待。 我们从专家那里得到反馈,说你没有透支额度,从截图中我们可以看到你的透支限额是£0,这是正确的,因为你在我们这里没有透支额度,所以我们报告的是你没有透支额度,并且账户状况良好,因为你从未进入过未安排的透支状态。
I only have a current account, why would monzo still report to CRA?I saw monzo reported to TU on TotallyMoney.

The first report was on 1st February , and the second report was on 1st March . It seems like Monzo is continuously reporting.

The Monzo customer service previously stated that the current account would only report once when opening and closing the account. However, the reality I have observed is ongoing reporting, even for only the current account. l am curious if this will affect my credit score. How will it impact it? ls it a positive or negative impact? In my situation, what will be reported?

You're talking to Nikita
Hello Nikita here.
We request the data shown in your credit score and summary from TransUnion, so unfortunately we're not able to amend it for you.
If something doesn't look right about your credit score or summary, you can check the information TransUnion have for you at: https://www.transunionstatreport.co.uk/CreditReport/AboutYou
Let us know if there's anything else we can help with

你正在和Nikita交谈 你好,我是Nikita。 我们从TransUnion请求显示在你的信用评分和摘要中的数据,所以很遗憾我们无法为你修改它。 如果你的信用评分或摘要中有什么看起来不对的地方,你可以在以下网址查看TransUnion为你提供的信息:https://www.transunionstatreport.co.uk/CreditReport/AboutYou 如果还有其他我们可以帮助的地方,请告诉我们。
Is it because you need to request the data shown in my credit score and summary from TransUnion, even if I only have a current account, so you will continue to report to TU? What do you report to TU? Or do you not report anything to TU, just keep getting my data from TU?
There are lots of factors which can have an effect on your credit score, like your history of paying back money, how much you're borrowing, how much credit you have available, and whether you're registered on the electoral roll.
You can also read more about credit scores and building a good credit profile on our blog and here. Let me know if you have any questions about this - I'd be happy to explain.
有许多因素可能会影响你的信用评分,比如你偿还款项的历史、你借款的多少、你可用的信用额度,以及你是否在选民名册上注册。 你也可以在我们的博客这里阅读更多关于信用评分和建立良好信用档案的信息。如果你对此有任何问题,我很乐意解释。
We are reporting that they do not have an overdraft and that the account is on track as you have never entered an unarranged overdraft.