
On which day of the month does LOQBOX report to CRA?








温馨祝福, Loqbox支持团队

Thanks for reaching out — it's great to hear from you.

We completely understand that the process of data reporting to the credit reference agencies (CRAs) can be a bit perplexing. But don’t worry, I'd be more than happy to explain how it all works!

When it comes to reporting your loan data to the three main CRAs (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion), there is always a slight delay at the beginning. Here's how it typically goes:

At the end of each month, we report all data for the previous month's activity. So if, for example, a payment is taken in January, it would be reported at the end of February.

Once we've submitted the data in a comprehensive report to Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, it usually takes them about 20 days to validate the report. After that, they need an additional 20 days to add the data to the relevant credit records of our members.

Due to this delay, it often takes some time for the first payment to be reported. However, once we've successfully reported that initial payment, it establishes the loan record on your credit report. From there, it'll become visible the next time your credit report refreshes.

Now, it's important to note that when you check your credit report, you're not typically viewing a live copy of it. Instead, what you're seeing is a snapshot that is usually collected once a month. You can find the "report date" on your credit report, which tells you when the report was created.

I hope this answers your question and provides the clarity you were seeking. But if you have any further inquiries or need additional information, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm here to help you in any way I can.

Warm wishes,

Loqbox Support Team

没有LOQBOX Grow的情况下开设LOQBOX Save账户能帮助我建立信用分数吗?它如何帮助我建立信用分数?它向信用报告机构报告的频率是多少?

Can opening a LOQBOX Save account without LOQBOX Grow help me build my credit score? How does it help me build my credit score? How often does it report to the CRA?

请不要担心,您仍然可以只使用Loqbox Save来建立您的信用分数,这将触发您的储蓄支付每月向我们报告,而无需购买付费会员资格或使用Loqbox Grow。

I hope you are well?
Please do not worry as you can still build your credit score using just Loqbox Save, which would trigger monthly reporting of your savings payments to us, without the need to pay for a paid-for Membership or make use of Loqbox Grow.
I hope this helps, however if you hav any further questions on this then please do let us know,
Warm wishes, Loqbox Support Team